Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Not much today, but just a few interesting links I've come across in the past couple of days

Just realized DC Comics has a Grant Morrison mini-site. Cool.

Peter David will be writing a new Spidey title: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, (CBR, Newsarama) with art by Mike Wieringo. This is bad and good news, I love David's writing, but Mark Waid was originally set to write this, and I would have liked to seen his take on Peter Parker. Either way, this gives me an opportunity to read, hopefully, good Spidey stories again, I droped JMS's Amazing just when it was revealed Norman Osborne buggered Gwen Stacy, not so much because JMS dishonored the memory of Gwen, but because the storytelling was just not very good.

Another sample chapter from George R.R. Martin. I'm hoping this recent flurry of teases from him is an indication the book is almost complete. It's been about 5 years since A Storm of Swords was published, so I will most likely re-read the other three books. Not that re-reading these books is a bad thing, mind you.

Terry NoGoodkind continues to come across foolishly and "distanced from the reality based community."

Rick Kleffel has a cool interview witih Pyr SF Editorial Director Lou Anders.

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